City and county public spaces and services are among the most used in local communities. How accessible are your facilities programs to people with disabilities?

BlueDAG’s goal is to provide municipalities and special districts with training, tools, and support to go beyond compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, creating truly accessible environments for people of all ability levels.

With BlueDAG, cities and counties have been able to:

accessibility-1-line Identify ADA and access barriers

accessibility-1-line Create robust plans for remediation and development

accessibility-1-line Identify and acquire funding for accessibility projects

accessibility-1-line Create accessible and inclusive facilities and programs

Accomplished in 2022 With The BlueDAG WayTM:

accessibility-1-line More than 280 people were trained to conduct ADA and accessibility inspections

accessibility-1-line More than 10,000 barriers identified across the nation

accessibility-1-line 30 agencies and departments made progress toward compliance with the ADA

accessibility-1-line More than $50 million in dedicated accessibility investments

Now more than ever, cities and counties are making accessibility and ADA compliance a priority in response to the increasing use of their sites and services by people with disabilities.

BlueDAG has been an invaluable tool in helping us quickly identify ADA barriers around K-12 schools, integrate them into improvement projects, and ensure our compliance with the ADA.

– Mark Dempsey, City of Framingham

Be part of the solution – contact us today.

accessibility-1-line If you don’t have an accessibility plan, work toward creating one.

accessibility-1-line If you don’t know what and where your access barriers are, take steps to identify them.

accessibility-1-line If your facilities or right-of-way are not accessible or need significant upgrades, earmarked funds are available.

accessibility-1-line If you need help doing all this, let us help you.

Accessibility is critical, and The BlueDAG WayTM gets you there. Get in touch with us and get started today.

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