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ADA 101 – Title II Information and Signage

ATitle II 35.163 - Information and Signage (a) A public entity shall ensure that interested persons, including persons with impaired vision or hearing, can obtain information as to the existence and location of accessible services, activities, and facilities. (b) A public entity shall provide signage at all inaccessible entrances to each of its facilities, directing users to an accessible entrance or to a location at which they can obtain information about accessible facilities. The international symbol for accessibility shall be used at each accessible entrance of a facility.DA Title II 35.163 – Information and Signage

(a) A public entity shall ensure that interested
persons, including persons with impaired vision or
hearing, can obtain information as to the existence
and location of accessible services, activities,
and facilities.

(b) A public entity shall provide signage at all
inaccessible entrances to each of its facilities,
directing users to an accessible entrance or to a
location at which they can obtain information about
accessible facilities. The international symbol for
accessibility shall be used at each accessible
entrance of a facility.

* Regulation according to 28 CFR 35.163. Only a portion of the law was included in this media. Check additional sections and your state’s accessibility laws for further details.